Cory Gardner: Protect Us, Not Drug and Insurance Companies
Senator Cory Gardner promised Coloradans that he’d protect our health care, but his voting record in Washington tells a different story.
We’re asking him to do better.
Cory Gardner Voted to Put Protections for
Pre-existing Conditions At Risk

More than 2.3 million Coloradans have a pre-existing condition, and Cory Gardner promised he’d protect health care for all of us. But in Washington, Cory Gardner voted multiple times to let insurance companies deny coverage to people with pre-existing conditions. And he’s taken more than $400,000 from drug and insurance donors.
Coloradans demand more from our elected officials - we need to tell Gardner to protect our health care, and stop attacking protections for pre-existing conditions.
The Cost of Prescription Drugs is Skyrocketing
Coloradans know that our prescription drug costs are out of control. Cory Gardner told us he’d do something about it. But he took more than $400,000 from the health insurance and drug industries and voted against common-sense limits on the cost of prescription drugs.
That’s unacceptable. Let Cory Gardner know that he needs to put a stop to out-of-control drug prices.