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Coloradans from Glenwood Springs to Aspen Call Out Boebert’s Continued Failure to Lower Costs

Updated: Aug 8, 2023

Friday, July 21, 2023 – Rocky Mountain Values’ efforts to hold Rep. Lauren Boebert accountable picked up steam this week as Coloradans showed up to share their dismay in the Representative’s continued efforts to cause chaos rather than productively working on issues that matter most to Coloradans.

This week's drama? Boebert publicly trashed a pin honoring Uvalde school shooting victim Maite Rodriguez. Another example of Boebert spending her time promoting herself, conspiracies and extremism.

As Congress enters its August recess soon, Coloradans in Basalt, Glenwood Springs, and Aspen recapped Boebert’s actions in the wake of her commitment to focus on the issues instead of antics.

  • She held the U.S.’s debt ceiling hostage and nearly sent the country into default.

  • She missed the vote on the debt ceiling and then lied about it.

  • She launched an effort to impeach Biden which was opposed by both Republicans and Democrats.

  • She got in a public pissing match with her colleague on the House floor.

  • She defended Trump as he was indicted and continues to weekly.

These antics have overshadowed her damaging positions that have failed to help Coloradans earn more and pay less including her support for a plan to cut Medicare and Social Security.

CLICK HERE to see Boebert’s voting record that has undermined these goals.


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