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  • amber38542

It's Showtime! Rocky Mountain Values Releases Newest TV Ad on Boebert's Record During 'Prime Time'

Friday, Oct. 13, 2023 -- As Coloradans tune in to ESPN to watch Coach Prime Time and the Colorado Buffaloes tonight, they’ll notice another issue being tackled during the commercial break: Rep. Lauren Boebert’s out-of-whack priorities.

Boebert is known for grabbing headlines and promoting herself and extremism but not for focusing on creating economic opportunities for Coloradans, so today “It’s Showtime” for the latest ad to hold Boebert accountable for her voting record that fails to help families in Colorado pay less for needed healthcare.

A Crestone resident, Gail, tells her story about what Boebert’s vote against lower prescription costs for Coloradans means to her and why it's so important for diabetics to have access to affordable life-saving medications.

This is the launch of the newest ad by Rocky Mountain Values featuring the voices of Coloradans in Boebert’s district who are fed up with her “out of whack priorities.”This includes Boebert’s current effort to derail the vote on the next Speaker of the House that is again earning her national headlines. She continues to sow chaos and stall voting on appropriations bills as the clock winds down on the next government shutdown deadline.

Ad Script:

I have Type 1 diabetes so I depend on insulin to stay alive.

Big drug companies have been gouging people like me for years.

It is outrageous that Lauren Boebert voted with the big drug companies and against lowering the price of insulin.

She voted three times to make the medication that keeps me alive unaffordable.

Her priorities are out-of-whack.

Lauren Boebert is definitely looking out for the big drug companies and not us.

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