Today, the House took steps toward avoiding a shutdown by passing several critical funding measures. Justin Lamorte, Executive Director of Rocky Mountain Values, released the following statement in response:
“It has been 6 long months of watching the House GOP spiral into chaos, letting the Freedom Caucus and its extreme members hold the country hostage in order to exact ridiculous demands from Congress. This includes Colorado’s own Lauren Boebert consistently voting for a shutdown in order to move her personal agenda of impeachments and other distractions forward.
“Her willingness to vote numerous times, including today, to stop paychecks for hard working Coloradans, halt support for our veterans, seniors, and families, and delay support for our local economies is appalling.
“Fortunately for the American people, Republican efforts to make harmful cuts to programs people rely on have been exercises in futility as Congressional Democrats prevailed, fighting through negotiations to pass a common sense budget that puts people - Coloradans - first. We thank them for their fight to pass a budget that supports hard working Colorado families.”